Wednesday, March 14, 2012

6 Points to Consider When Choosing A Honeymoon Location

6 Points to Consider When Choosing A Honeymoon Location. Choosing a honeymoon location, especially if budget is limited, can be just as difficult to prepare for marriage. But that does not mean you and your partner so choose a site at random.

Here are seven things you should consider before choosing the location of a dream honeymoon. By considering the following seven things, you and your partner will not feel trapped in the wrong place:
  1. Weather. The first thing you need to think about is the weather like what is desired honeymoon. Are you and your husband want to honeymoon in a warm or cold? By determining the weather can help narrow your list of location options month. Do not forget to check the weather and temperature at the destination location with a lot of finding out through friends or the internet. So you will not get stuck in a location that all of a sudden extreme weather changes.
  2. Budget. Budget plays an important role in determining where you and your partner will honeymoon. By specifying how many budget honeymoon, you can know where the location and plan accordingly. When creating a budget, do not just calculate the cost of accommodation and meals, but consider other possibilities as well as money to buy souvenirs, try the spa or visit a particular place.
  3. Interest. Some people prefer a vacation to the beach because it wanted to be able to relax all day. But there are also those who still want to move while on vacation. So decide whether you and your spouse have the same interests. Choose a place that can meet these interests. For example, if you want to go to the beach, but the couple wanted to keep it a place that can move, choose beaches which provide a variety of water sports such as surfing, jet skiing, banana boat and others.
  4. Iconic. If you and your partner do not like the beach or mountains, others may choose an alternative location that has a distinctive landmark or a 'must see'. For example, the honeymoon in India is known as the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower Paris. Alternatively, you and your partner can come to a place that is completely new and have never visited before.
  5. When Still Lost. If you and your partner still has not been able to determine the location of the honeymoon, and visited only a few places. You can try to sail or cruise so they can go to several places at once. This condition can be a good time to do a luxury trip with her husband by trying to sail on a boat with five-star class facilities.
  6. Minimal Budget. If the budget for the honeymoon you have with your partner is not a lot, do not push to go to the site of dreams. There are still many places in Indonesia or the neighboring countries that have a unique and you may not go. Moreover, the most important thing is for her husband together, there is always a place to enjoy romantic moments everywhere.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Content And Benefits Of Passion Fruit

Content And Benefits Of Passion Fruit. Who does not know the passion fruit? The fruit is very delicious when made this drink is one of the plants belonging to the genus Passiflora and came from the tropics and sub​​-tropics in the Americas. This fruit comes from the region around Brazil.

Passion fruit can be consumed directly as fresh fruit, but most processed or the passion fruit extract the juice to be taken and made ​​into syrup, jelly, ice cream, squash and various other preparations. Passion fruit contains a useful passiflorance making nerves relaxed.

Passion fruit is rich in content of phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, sodium, vitamin C and magnesium. Some of the content on meurupakan compounds that are beneficial for maintaining a healthy body and helps the body in mlawan various types of diseases. Research conducted at the University of Florida showed that extracts of yellow passion fruits contain phytochemicals that have many benefits to fight and kill cancer cells. Therefore, the passion fruit is also useful as a natural anti-cancer drugs. Some of the content of phytochemicals found in the yellow passion fruit is a harman bua, passaflorine, harmalin, harmol, viteksin, carotenoids, harmine, krisin, and isoviteksin.

Than useful as anti-cancer, passion fruit proved to have exceptional nutritional content. Some of the nutrients contained in the passion fruit is citric acid, ascorbic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, iron, carotene, phosphorus, minerals, calcium, fiber, energy, fat and protein are all of these substances are needed by the body to help performance all organs and helps the body's metabolism.