Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Secret of Long Life Thanks to Jogging

The Secret of Long Life Thanks to Jogging. This is one secret of longevity is relatively easy and inexpensive. By routinely running relaxed or jogging at least two or three times a week. According to the results of the study the scientists, this simple recipe and can extend life expectancy by at least six years.

As reported by Danish scientists, men or women who do jogging regularly experienced an average increase in life expectancy between five to six years. The greatest benefits of jogging, the researchers say, would be obtained if a person do with a slow or leisurely pace, and enough to make breathing a little out of breath. Instead of running at high speed which makes your body work hard.

"Our research results clearly answer whether jogging is beneficial to your health. We can say that jogging regularly extended. The good news is you do not have to do it too hard to get the benefits," said Denmark cardiac health expert, Dr Peter Schnohr, which involves 2,000 men and women in the study.

Conducted research on jogging Schnohr is part of a study titled Copenhagen City Heart Study. This study monitored 20,000 men and Danish women aged 20 to 93 years since 1976.

The team led by Dr Schnohr investigate the average rate of mortality among 1116 men and 762 women who often do jogging for about 35 years. Participants also were asked how much time is spent jogging every week, whether they are running with slow, medium or fast.

Than the group who never jogging, the risk of death in both men and women who regularly jog down to 44 percent. The data show, taking into account the age factor, jogging can increase the life expectancy of men and 6.2 years longer and women 5.6 years longer.

According to the researchers, the ideal jogging is done for one to 2.5 hours in one session at a moderate pace. Within a week, jogging should also be done between two to three times.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Home Decorating Tips with Color Light

Home Decorating Tips with Color Light. The addition of bright colors can make a house more attractive and artistic. Still feel free to explore with color for fear the house will look 'busy' and dazzle? No need to paint the whole house painted bright colors, simply fill in one part of the house or use bright colors as accessories. These tips settlement houses by using color light:

1. Blue
Paint your house predominantly gray or white, does not mean you have to homogenize all the rooms in the house with a gray color. Refresh the interior of the house with a splash of bright color, such as blue light. The blue color in the middle of the dominance of gray or beige will give a fresh impression. Few tips, select a space in the house such as living room, paint one wall in blue and put some black and white photograph on it. The result, a combination of contrast that makes the room more attractive.

2. Green
Green color suitable to be applied in the work space that requires efficiency. Colors included in this cool color group could increase the energy and morale. Combine green with energetic colors like orange and yellow. For example, an orange sofa or yellow folders are arranged neatly on the table.

3. Red
Who says red can not be applied in the bedroom? As long as they do not paint the entire wall of a bedroom with a red, a color that symbolizes the spirit and passion will not disturb your sleep. Creating a sense of dramatic red light. Maroon while bringing an elegant atmosphere. Because red is striking, choose neutral colors for selection of furniture and accessories.

4. Orange
Imagine the fresh orange, orange color can give the same effect in your kitchen. Use the orange color to the cabinet, curtains or wall paper and you'll be cooking more fun.

5. Yellow
The effect is like an orange, which gives the energy and spirit of giving. Applicable in the den or dining room with a dominance of white or beige.

6. Colorful
Make your living space more attractive and modern look by placing bright colors. No need to paint the walls, the colors can be applied through the seat cushion for a chair or a vase.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Foods Substitute Energy Drinks

Foods Substitute Energy Drinks. Sports drinks are often used as a solution to increase energy. As already known, many energy drinks contain added sugar. If you want to increase your energy drink with a meal substitute.

An athlete must have a lot of energy. But they can get energy from food such as banana, coconut water or milk chocolate. Here are five foods that can replace the energy drink.

  1. Banana. Athletes are popular foods dense in calories and rich in potassium and electrolytes. Bananas are also menganudng antioxidants and vitamin B. A study has also proven beneficial to athletes.
  2. Milk Chocolate. Mneyehatkan beverages is also necessary for the recovery from injury due to exercise. Low-fat milk contains carbohydrates, lactose, potassium, sodium and fiber protein casein.
  3. Coconut Water. Coconut water is also referred to as a natural sports drink. These drinks contain electrolytes in the form of potassium and low in calories.
  4. Raisins. Eat raisins can apparently increase the amount of energy to the body. Small in size and contain sugars and electrolytes. Raisins are also often used as a healthy snack for athletes before exercise.
  5. Rice. The rice is added a little honey will produce enough enegri. Apparently the food is also used as a healthy snack for athletes.