Causes And How To Overcome Hiccups. Hiccups are usually caused by contraction of the muscle that separates the chest cavity and abdominal cavity, or often called a diaphragm, a sudden and involuntary occurs (not realized). The cause is usually due to disorders of the organs located near the diaphragm such as the stomach in a stretched state after a big meal or drinking alcohol excessively.
The cause of hiccups diaphragm muscle contraction will cause the person who had the hiccups when you inhale, the air entering the lungs will be issued quickly and suddenly by the contraction of the diaphragm muscle strength and hit the glottis (the space between the vocal cords), which is closing. Return air and hit the space between the vocal cords that causes the characteristic hiccup sound. Normally, when we inhale, the diaphragm muscles will fall, and at the same instant the valve throat open, so air will not be pressed into the ring. However, in people who had the hiccups, when the person is breathing, muscle contractions in the diaphragm and muscles between the ribs, causing the air will be back up and at the same time, the epiglottis (the valve in the throat) was closed, so that the air from the diaphragm to rise to the top of this will hit the valves and cause hiccups.
Closing of the valve or the epiglottis is due to disturbances in the reflex arc, namely the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. The second was the role of these nerves regulate respiratory pathways in the human body to run smoothly. Closing of the valve is not a disorder of central nervous system or the nervous edge, but a response if the nervous system is impaired. Hiccups can happen once, or it can also occur several times a circuit that can not be controlled. Hiccups are often grown in certain situations, such as eating too quickly, drinking cold water immediately after eating hot food or otherwise, eating very hot or spicy, laugh or cough too hard, drinking, smoking, stress, or because of disturbances of fluid balance in the body. In rare cases, hiccups can be caused by pressure on nerves frenik by anatomical structures of the body, or because the tumor and other kidney diseases. In addition, hiccups can also occur due to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypertension. As well as electrolyte disturbances, including the influence of drugs such as steroids or sleeping pills.
Hiccups also sign Disease Can Be Serious. Hiccups is a mild disorder experienced by almost everyone, from infants to the elderly. In general, the hiccups will disappear by itself after a while. But in certain circumstances, hiccups can last for days or even weeks. It is certainly disturbing activity. Prolonged hiccups that this generally occurs after a person has to undergo major surgery. In some cases, persistent hiccups could be a sign of a serious disorder. Where hiccups occur continuously, not just for days or months, but also for many years. Hiccups is a type of signs or symptoms of serious disorders. Because not only about the throat, but also other organs. This includes the muscles of the diaphragm, the valve in the throat, and central nervous system (brain) and peripheral nerves. Because of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves and is associated with a length of the organs in the body, then the activity is sometimes disturbed by a variety of serious diseases. So, hiccups can also be a sign of inflammation in the stomach, kidney disease, liver problems, tumor in the brainstem, stroke symptoms, an infection in the central nervous system and others.
How to Overcome Hiccups
- Hold your breath, hold your breath because the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood will increase, so will suppress neural activity in the brain that is responsible for the occurrence and causes hiccups stop hiccups.
- Breathe into a paper bag, drag and exhale in a closed paper bag for about a minute. Nose and mouth into the bag. This method also aims to increase levels of CO2 in the blood.
- Swallowing a spoonful of sugar cubes or sugar can stop hiccups in just a few minutes. Sugar is believed to stimulate the muscle nerves, especially when the diaphragm muscle begins to contract irregularly.
- Massage the back of the palate with a cotton bud, which moved slowly forward and backward for about one minute.
- Sleep lying down with knees bent to the stomach. Do a few moments until hiccups disappear.