To get the maximum benefit of fish, U.S. Department of Agriculture (United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA) recommends eating eight ounces of fish per week. An easy way to eat fish such as advice and get all the benefits of replacing two servings of fish each week with fish meat. Here are some benefits of eating fish:
- Weight control. Fish is a food low in fat and high-quality fat sources. Eat fish at dinner will help you feel full without accumulating fat. You do this by not fried, but steamed, baked, or made soup.
- Heart health. In a 2006 study by Harvard School of Public Health, researchers found that death rates from heart disease in adults who eat fish twice a week, 36% lower than those who ate fish less or not at all. Fish is an important source of two omega-3 fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 helps to lower blood pressure which will help you maintain a healthy heart. Because the body does not produce omega-3, then we need to get it through the food we eat, such as fish.
- Better brain function. Omega-3 can also keep your brain in top condition. Omega-3 found in fish may reduce risk of ADHD, depression, and dementia. In addition, a study presented at the 2011 Radiological Society of North America showed that eating two servings of fish per week can prevent Alzheimer's disease.
- Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride. Cold-water fish may help lower triglycerides or blood fats. By replacing two servings of meat and fish, you replace saturated fats with a high source of protein. To get the benefits of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides to the maximum, choose cold-water fish, like salmon, trout, sardines, or oysters.
- Prevent disease. In the same Harvard study, researchers found that overall mortality among adults who ate fish twice a week 17% lower compared with adults who ate fish less or not at all. Eating fish may prevent a number of other diseases, such as inflammation, certain cancers, and arthritis.
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