Thursday, February 9, 2012

Benefits of Green Tea for Health

Benefits of Green Tea for Health. This one kind of tea is very popular due to antioxidant content. Enjoyed the warm and cold beverages. Bitter-bitter taste delicious and fresh. Nutrient content of green tea are able to overcome a variety of chronic diseases.

Green tea is one type of tea from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, which has experienced minimal oxidation in the manufacturing process. This tea has been known since 4000 years ago by the Chinese community as depression and headache medications. Today green tea is very popular in America and Europe.

Some research in Asia and the world provide strong evidence for the health benefits of green tea. Green tea has a high content of minerals and antioxidants that are beneficial to health, including:

Prevent Cancer
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols that are good for protecting body cells from free radicals. Also help prevent gastrointestinal cancers, stomach cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and breast.

Lose Weight
New research from the Swiss claim that drinking green tea regularly can increase your metabolism as much as 4%. Green tea is also low in calories and contain lots of water that can help you lose weight.

Reducing Risk of Heart
Antioxidants and EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) in green tea could effectively prevent the buildup of plaque on artery walls that causes heart attacks, high blood pressure, blood sugar and bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Preventing Diabetes
Green tea is rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body. Drinking green tea and other dairy products regularly can prevent diabetes.

Troubleshooting Your Skin
Regularly drink green tea every day is a natural solution to get rid of wrinkles, dark spots, prevent acne and warts on the skin.

Caring for Teeth
Green tea contains fluoride is good for teeth. Drinking green tea can prevent plaque formation and destroys the bacteria that can cause plaque and prevent the new scent on the mouth odor.

Increase endurance
Flavonoids, antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea can increase endurance significantly to avoid the attack of viruses that cause colds, coughs, and colds.

Reduce Stress
Green tea contains catechins, amino acid, and theanine which helps the body release a chemical called dopamine. Tea could eliminate the effects of drowsiness and reduce stress. Theanine and dopamine give comfort to the body.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Healthy Drinks In The Morning For Immune System

Healthy Drinks In The Morning For Immune System. Some things can be done to boost the immune system, one of them through the drink. You need to figure out a good beverage consumed in the morning to boost Your immune system.

Dr. David Katz of the Yale Prevention Research Center have a drinking water will help keep your immune system running smoothly. But some other beverages can contain compounds that are able to enhance and strengthen the immune system. For that begin consumption of drinks which can make the body healthy and disease free in the morning.

Here are a few good drinks drunk in the morning to improve immune system:

1. Green tea
The Ritual eating of green tea in the morning is not only good for the soul, but it's been known for centuries as enhancing the immune system and preventing and curing a variety of malignancies.

The 2009 journal published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition noted the beneficial effects this is likely caused by the polyphenol and antioxidant found in tea.

2. Probiotic shake
Probiotic drink containing bacteria like Bifidobacterium are known to be able to profitably increase the number of T cells (a type of white blood cell) in the body and strengthens the immune system as a whole.

3. Orange Juice
This drink sounds classic drink in the morning, but Sally Barclay, RD from Iowa State University speak the juice contains a lot of vitamin C that helps boost the immune system. In addition can also be enjoyed in the form of drink smoothie mixed kiwi and watermelon.

4. Protein Drinks
Protein drinks not only increase muscle growth, but can also help improve immune system function. This is possible because the protein drinks containing glutathione antioxidant which is a required to the immune system function properly.

5. Fiber Drinks
Researchers from the University of Illinois found consumption of drinks soluble fiber on a regular basis can improve your immune system cells that help the healing process and restore the body's pain faster.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tips Choosing And Knowing Benefits Nutritional Substances Of Beef

Tips Choosing And Knowing Benefits Nutritional Substances Of Beef. Eating beef is a necessity for everyone. This meat is meat that has a high nutritional value and is very beneficial to the body. Besides it tastes good and tasty, the meat is also good and healthy. On average, every day more people are consuming this meat, with various preparations and serving. But keep in mind also the need to pay attention to eating beef meat characteristic that is really healthy and quality. Do not get us wrong in choosing because it can cause other problems. Meat is good to eat is meat quality, healthy and no side effects.

Know the Signs Beef Good And Healthy

Before buying beef, there are times when we as consumers should watch for signs of good beef and healthy. We should not buy from us instead of meat because it will not get benefits. Signs of meat is good and healthy is to have the stamp of an abattoir, a natural red meat, the smell is distinctly beef, chewy and dense texture of meat, meat finely fibrous and has a little fat, and fat color is yellowish.

The content of nutrients in Beef

The nutrients found in beef is, every 100 grams of beef contains 207 calories kkcl, 18.8 grams protein, 14.0 grams fat, 11 mg calcium, phosphorus 170 mg and 2.8 mg iron. There are proteins and minerals that are very good for our bodies. The beef is healthy and well of course have very little fat and low in cholesterol.

Benefits of Beef

If we eat meat is certainly a lot of benefits that we can feel. For each 100gram of meat containing 18.8 grams of protein. This protein has the amino acid structure is very good for the body such as helping the growth in children, repair the damaged cells, as a plasma-forming glands, as well as energy reserves by eating beef can maintain acid-base balance of blood.