Sunday, June 10, 2012

Foods for Healthy Skin

Foods for Healthy Skin. Facial and body skin smooth, toned and fresh of course be everyone's dream. In addition to the various treatment cream, healthy skin can be obtained from a variety of foods. What foods should be eaten regularly?

Appearance of the skin, especially facial skin plays an important role in shaping confidence. To overcome the skin dull, dry and lack shine normally used various types of cream. However, treatment of the consumption of nutritious food plays an important role in skin care.

Many studies have revealed that the nutrients in food can make a healthy and glowing skin and prevent skin problems. Some foods are recommended to be consumed on a regular basis because of good properties for the skin.

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed has lots of vitamin E, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids which can help slow down aging, keep skin elasticity and smoothness as well as make the hair more shine. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc which prevents the appearance of acne and other skin problems.

Vitamin C in oranges are high in antioxidants that are good for counteracting free radicals due to exposure to sunlight can cause premature aging. Oranges also contain bioflavonoids which strengthen the substance collagen in the skin. With collagen, the skin will look more toned, flexible and supple.

Because a good vegetable protein, nuts are very well taken each day. Nuts are also low in fat and fatty acid is good to make your nails strong and not easily broken. The protein is also good to keep skin radiant and moist.

Green tea
Chinese people generally have a smooth and healthy skin. This is thanks to green tea they drank. Green tea contains high antioxidant that is proven to protect skin from damage caused by sun exposure. Try to replace coffee with green tea is more healthy.

Beautiful red fruit that is rich in fiber teasing and vitamin D the body needs to assist in the development and maintaining healthy skin cells. In addition, lycopene in tomatoes also helps protect skin from sun exposure. Lack of vitamin A can cause dry skin.

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